There is a such a wide variety of horse training tools available that the choices can become overwhelming. The equipment required to properly train a horse and the methods used can vary depending on the person, the horse, and your overall objective. Here is a closer look at some of the most common horse training tools, specifically the different types of whips, bats, and crops that you can buy.
Whips for Horse Training & Riding
Whips are used to encourage a horse’s behavior as opposed to punishing or berating them. These unique horse training tools can help an owner or trainer correct a horse’s behavior by helping them to better understand commands or re-adjust posture. A whip is commonly used while riding the horse, often employed with a tap behind the rider’s leg. While this sounds like a simple move, the truth is that there are several types of whips for horse training and riding that can have different uses or promise to deliver a different result for the user.
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