Preparing for Spring and Summer Horseback Rides

April showers have brought May flowers, and with them, the perfect weather for trail riding. The sun is staying out longer, the weather grows warmer, and the trails are beckoning. Spring Maintenance For Equestrians Barn Maintenance Tips Whether you stable your horse at home or keep him at a boarding facility, there are many things […]

Winter Storage, Cleaning and Care of Tack and Equipment

Just because the weather is turning colder doesn’t mean you can’t get out and enjoy a crisp, winter ride. In fact,  traversing a freshly powdered trail with the snow sparkling around you can be quite fun. Imagine your horse leaving silent tracks behind you as you and your four-legged pal experience the beauty and peacefulness […]

How to Lunge your Horse for the First Time

Lunging is a method of horse training that involves driving your horse in a circle around you on a 20-meter rope called a lunge line using your voice and body language. When done correctly, this exercise benefits both you and your horse. Lunging builds respect and trust between horse and rider, and can also be […]

How to Care for a Foal During Winter

While spring and summer births are common, foals can be born at any time of the year without complication. However, those that are born during the autumn or winter need to be protected against the dangers of the colder months. Keeping foals warm is not enough: They need to be protected from disease and injury, […]

What are the Benefits of Horseback Riding?

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”  Over the years, this famous quote has been attributed to both Winston S. Churchill and Ronald Reagan. But regardless of who said it, there is a lot of truth behind these words. Riding a horse is not just […]

7 Western Horseback Riding Tips For Beginners

When you saddle up for an afternoon of western horseback riding, you want to be able to trot off with confidence in yourself and in your equine partner. These helpful beginner horseback riding tips will help you  know how to mount a horse, what to wear, and the essential tools an equestrian needs.  Tip #1: […]

Preparing for Spring and Summer Horseback Rides

April showers have brought May flowers, and with them, the perfect weather for trail riding. The sun is staying out longer, the weather grows warmer, and the trails are beckoning. Spring Maintenance For Equestrians Barn Maintenance Tips Whether you stable your horse at home or keep him at a boarding facility, there are many things […]

5 Horse Training Tips for Beginners

If you have a passion for horses and you want to take it a few steps further into the world of training horses, you may not be sure where to start. Here are a few ideas that can help you become a true equestrian and develop a healthier, more productive relationship with your horse. Know Why […]

7 Essential Horse Grooming Tips

Whether you have a show horse, a racehorse, or none of the above and just want to take the best care of your horse, you’ll need to put together a regular grooming routine. Grooming your horse will not only make their coat shine and promote better health, but it’s also time well spent between you […]

A Guide to Horse Training Tools, Whips & Crops

There is a such a wide variety of horse training tools available that the choices can become overwhelming. The equipment required to properly train a horse and the methods used can vary depending on the person, the horse, and your overall objective. Here is a closer look at some of the most common horse training […]

5 Horse Hoof Care Tips

You can keep your horse’s foundation healthy by providing it with frequent and regular hoof care. Environment, weather, terrain, horseshoes, heredity, turnout frequency, and nutrition all impact your horse’s hoof health. Fortunately, there are some simple ways that you can address this area of your horse’s care. Here are five basic tips for keeping your horse’s […]

How to Manage Equine Seasonal Allergies

Has your horse suddenly developed dry skin or a case of hives? Or does he sound like he’s having respiratory troubles? Just like people, a horse can suffer from allergies that often change with the seasons. Allergies are extremely common in horses and are largely linked to either the environment or nutrition. Even if your […]